Lucky Ladybug Gardens
Lucky Ladybug Gardens is a new venture between Market Gardener/Dunedin Harvest Co-op founder, Bree Cheatham and Organic farmer, Claudie Babineaux (former Geraldson Community Farm Manager). We have joined together this season to start more local Organic gardens in the Pinellas County Florida area. Our goal is to work for ourselves as independent local farmers and produce for you the very best and highest quality food. WE ALWAYS PROVIDE FRESH & SAFE PRODUCE and we are working towards a beyond Organic approach to growing food. We strive to meet Organic standards and are learning to incorporate Bio-dynamic practices and Aquaponics techniques into our growing practices. We currently manage market gardens at two locations; Joe’s Creek Garden in St. Petersburg & Cat Creek Gardens in Clearwater, FL. Both gardens are owned by kind hearted private home owners who have donated their land to be used to bring more local food to this community. We feel “Lucky” to be involved with such wonderful folks.